Hallow’s Eve in the Workplace

It’s August, so everyone knows what that means…

Time to start planning for Halloween! I’m extra-determined to make it a thing here in Australia, and the media seems to be with me. There are more and more trick-or-treaters and decorations in the shops every year, although it’s still early days. The version of Halloween people know here is still your stock-standard witches and goblins version. We still have a few years before we get to the stage where people are having parties where they dress up as normal pop culture characters, like ‘Dobby’ and ‘Pretty Car Dealer Sailor Hoon’.

I live for Halloween though, so I have to make it a thing here. In fact, when I became the general office manager here, I was tempted to transform the place just for Halloween without telling anyone.

So…there are companies in Sydney that come and do custom office design. Now, if it were up to me, I’d give the office a permanent Halloween theme, but I don’t think either the people who work here or the office designers would really go for that. So, I’ll keep that one in my imagination, but we DID get office fitouts pretty soon after I got the job, and I kept thinking…why not one day? People will all come back after the design work is done to a new office, they’ll find it Halloween-themed, and it’ll be a great prank that’ll serve the highlight my love of the holiday and also show that I’m a fun guy who can be approached about office problems.

I held off in the end, you’ll be happy to know. We just got a normal service of regular, high-quality office design. Sydney style, all very standard. But once October 31st rolled around that year, you better believe that I decorated the place rather comprehensively. I made my intentions known, and I’ve done the same every year since. Because I’m fun…and I like Halloween.
